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🌐 Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension Setup Guide

To enhance your DocsGPT experience, you can install the DocsGPT Chrome extension. Here's how:

Step 1

In the DocsGPT GitHub repository, click on the Code button and select Download ZIP.

Step 2

Unzip the downloaded file to a location you can easily access.

Step 3

Open the Google Chrome browser and click on the three dots menu (upper right corner).

Step 4

Select More Tools and then Extensions.

Step 5

Turn on the Developer mode switch in the top right corner of the Extensions page.

Step 6

Click on the Load unpacked button.

Step 7

  1. Select the Chrome folder where the DocsGPT files have been unzipped (docsgpt-main > extensions > chrome).

Step 8

The extension should now be added to Google Chrome and can be managed on the Extensions page.

Step 9

To disable or remove the extension, simply turn off the toggle switch on the extension card or click the Remove button.

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